Struggling To Sell Your House? Read This.

When you sell your house, ideally, you want it to go something like this: your house sells for top dollar, you get it sold quickly, and it all goes down without a hitch. But what many people don’t realize is that even in today’s Metro Detroit, Michigan market where there are more buyers than homes … Continued

The Difference Between an Inspection and an Appraisal

Home Inspection vs. Appraisal When you decide to buy your first home in Metro Detroit Michigan, you may come across a number of terms and conditions you’re not familiar with. While you may have a general idea of what an inspection is, maybe you’re not sure why you need one or how it’s different from an … Continued

Presidential Elections and the Housing Market.

Do Elections Impact the Housing Market? The 2024 Presidential election is just months away. As someone who’s thinking about potentially buying or selling a home in Metro Detroit Michigan, you’re probably curious about what effect, if any, elections have on the Michigan housing market. It’s a great question because buying or selling a home in Michigan is a major decision, and it’s natural … Continued

Why So Many New Builds? Here’s the Scoop

Homebuilders Aren’t Overbuilding, They’re Catching Up You may have heard that there are more brand-new homes available in Michigan right now than the norm. Today, about one in three homes on the market are newly built. And if you’re wondering what that means for the housing market and for your own move, here’s what you need to know. Why This … Continued
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