Homes For Sale in Eastpointe MI

Looking for Homes For Sale In Eastpointe, MI?

houses for sale in eastpointe mi

Are You Looking To Buy A Rental Home in Eastpointe, Michigan?

We’re YOUR agent in Metro Detroit for those looking to sell or buy a home in Eastpointe, MI. (Page Updated Daily)

In fact, we don’t just help clients sell and buy investment properties in Eastpointe, we work throughout Metro Detroit in areas such as Warren, Madison Heights & Troy to name a few . We have lived in the Metro Detroit area for decades and we’ve helped dozens of clients navigate their way through finding the perfect investment property in Metro Detroit as well as other great cities around the Metro Detroit area.

We understand all investors are not created equal. We work with each and every investor to acquire properties based on their objectives and goals. For those investors looking to buy and hold a property, rental homes in Eastpointe Michigan is an excellent choice.

If you’re looking for Houses For Sale In Eastpointe, Michigan, check out the currently available properties in and around the Eastpointe, Michigan area below.


Why Eastpointe, MI?

Eastpointe, MI is located in Macomb County SE Michigan. Eastpointe is home to approximately 34,000 plus residents and is close proximity to downtown Detroit. The City of Eastpointe offers a strong commitment to community development and some awesome city services.

Eastpointe consists of ranch and bungalow style homes, 2-3 bedrooms plus and majority of homes with all brick exterior. Neighborhoods are kept up nicely.

Homes in Eastpointe typically range between $50,000 – $180,000, with many 2-3 bedroom homes falling in the range between $50,000-$90,000, which makes them a great option for generating monthly cash-flow as an investor, or an excellent price for point for a family.

Some Housing Stats: Eastpointe, Michigan

The Median Estimate Home Value (8/31/19) is $108,000. That is an +18.16% change over the last 12 months, and a +31.75% change over the last 24 months.

The Median Sales Price (8/31/19) is $100,000. That is a +3.64% change over the last month, and a +10.83% change over the last quarter.

Rental Rates:

  • 2 Bedroom Single-Family Homes – $700 – $1,100 per month
  • 3 Bedroom Single-Family Homes – $825 – $1,300 per month

Total # of Distressed Properties: 65 (9/25/19)

  • # of Pre-Foreclosure homes: 32
  • # of Foreclosure Homes: 33
  • # of Short Sales: 0

63% of the population owning and 37% of the population renting.

Click the link below to download the market activity report for Eastpointe Mi, which gives you a more in depth breakdown of the statistics listed above.


Click HERE to Download the Latest Eastpointe, Michigan Market Activity Report.

Latest Market Reports: What’s Going On In Your Neighborhood?

Eastpointe- RPR Neighborhood Report (as of July 2019).


Why Work With Property Marketplace To Find Homes For Sale In Eastpointe, MI ?

Property Marketplace is managed by Associate Broker Michael Dimitrieski who offers over 13 years of experience working in the real estate industry and growing up in Metro Detroit. Not only do we work in the community helping people buy and sell homes, but we are also real estate investors ourselves. We work with other investors to locate any potential off-market properties that may be available for sale as well as those properties listed on the MLS.

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